• Good morning and Happy Spring! I spent all afternoon yesterday planting - mostly in pots on the deck but I did put a few plants into the ground (probably for the deer to eat but I'm keeping fingers crossed and sprinkling Messina Wildlife's Animal Stopper around to deter them). The pollen has been terrible this year but it seems to be winding down and we're expecting a good rain for the next 2 days so that should help.

  • Where is everyone?? Probably out gardening :-).

    This year my goldenrod and most of the bee balm didn't come back which freed up considerable space in the front garden. I've planted several different kinds of cone flowers, shasta daisies, lantana and some little purple flowers called whirlwind blue. A couple of weeks ago we ate lunch at a restaurant in Pittsboro, NC in the middle of some beautiful gardens and I got inspired - especially by the largest Dill plant I've ever seen. They must dig it up and keep it in a greenhouse over the winter because there's no way it could be that large by June. I love the flowers on Dill but never have much luck with growing it. Wish I had thought to take a picture!

  • Glitz, Your garden is lovely! There is a catalog that I drool over (mostly for bulbs) but I can't, for the life of me, remember the name of it or put my hands on one. I did a major clean out of catalogs recently and it must not have made the cut. I'm sure I'll be getting another one after Christmas. I do remember that they used to make drawings of all the plants instead of pictures but they went to pictures several years ago. I liked the drawings better.

    Bamaj, please feel free to drop zucchini on my doorstep any time!

  • Good Morning,
    Chris, love the pictures, especially the wisteria - beautiful!
    Amber, hope you feel better soon - try a cup of strong hot tea with lemon and lots of honey 🙂

  • Amber, Basil is the one herb that I don't have any luck with - I've tried growing it in both sun and shade with no success. It just gets long and spindly. I've tried plucking it off so it will bush - no luck.

    Irene, Cat pictures will be fine!

  • Irene, Oh yes, we got the string idea from the Square Foot Gardening book too. Our space is limited so square foot gardening is the only way for us. Please post some pictures of your lawn and garden. I remember how much work you put into it last spring - I'd love to see the results 🙂

  • This is a test. I noticed the directions to "Link to a Picture" and decided to try. If it works it's a link to my garden 10 years ago. http://i43.tinypic.com/e5g1ao.jpg

  • Hi, I don't do very much gardening anymore but it's definitely in my blood (my maiden name was Gardner). Maybe this board will inspire me to get my herb garden (that has fallen into disrepair) back into shape in the spring. For those of you who post on the BBC, I'm never2old2tap 🙂

    I do have one little tip: NEVER plant Vinca vine unless you want it to completely take over your garden.